Dear Mum,
Thank you for finally selling the newsagency. You get your life back and I get my Mum back. Thank you for letting me boomerang in and out of your home when I’ve needed somewhere to live. And for making the rent next to nothing! If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have been able to travel the world like I have. Thank you for not completely disowning me when I wrote off your car. I cringe when I think about that now. Thank you for putting up with me through those horrible teenage years. I’m still cringing.
Thank you for always making us birthday cakes. They were the best. And thanks for making the cats birthday cakes too because it meant more cake for us! Thank you for being one of those Mum’s that worked full time yet managed to cook for us every night and pack our lunch box everyday. We whinged about not having coke or cordial or lollies like everyone else but I certainly thank you now. Thank you for waking us up to the smell of pikelets cooking. We couldn’t wait till little lunch. Thank you for making me fairy bread for lunch one day when I was 16 and thought I was way too cool for school. I was ‘like totally embarrassed’ when I pulled out my lunch box but everyone wanted to swap sangers with me that day.
Thank you for being the best sewer I know. I think you missed your calling. You can make anything. I did love those rah-rah skirts. Thank you for always getting up in the night when I yelled at you from down the hallway because I had cramps in my calves. Shit they hurt. Thank you for all those times when I was sick and you had to take me to the hospital or sit with me during the night while I had my ventilator. Asthma’s a bitch. Thank you for hockey. What a great sport. I still miss it. Do you? How many Saturday’s did we spend at Downey Park! Thank you for always telling it how it is. Good or bad. Not enough people do that.
Thanks for being my Mum. xx
{ Chocolate and WeetBix Slice }
Dear Mum,
A thousand pennies of thanks for being you. For always listening, no matter how dull or melodramatic the topic (or the talker). For being so present in our lives - giving up a job you loved, moving to a town you hated, baking Dolly Varden birthday cakes, packing our lunches, making time to sit front row at dance concerts, singing esstedfords, swimming carnivals and even a recorder concert (whopee). For always offering a shoulder to cry on, getting up at the crack of dawn for swimming training, sewing elastic on ballet shoes and being our biggest cheerleader and supporter.
Thank you for being so brave in the face of frightening illness - simply because you didn’t want your daughters to know you were afraid. Thank you for being a friend as well as a parent, and a person as well as a mother. For being so enthusiastic about spending time with us and creating mother daughter traditions that will last a lifetime - Australian Open tennis, movie nights, dinner dates, trips to see the latest shows and the latest shoes. I can’t think of a better way to see Paris for the first time than with you mum. Plus, who else would hang out in Chanel for two hours?
Thank you for holding together a family in times of immense hardship, and for always putting yourself last. I hope you can take the time to put yourself first as the years go on - but rest assured, we always will.
Thank you for living with such joy and adventure, for being patient, kind, irrevocably devoted to your friends, family and complete strangers in need. Thanks for never being shy to laugh (and cry when you laugh) or to say I love you.
You’re not just a wonderful mum, but a wonderful person and a truly good lady.
{ Pecan Pie }
Dear Mum,
Thanks for always making me feel special. Even when I went through puberty and my face bubbled into a red pimpley mess, you always said I looked beautiful.
Thanks for being patient with me - I was a bit of a terror. Do you remember when I came home from a friend's house after dying my hair bright orange, the day before the school photos were taken? I do. Thanks for driving me to the 24 hour supermarket to buy a packet of hair dye at 10 o'clock at night because I decided I hated it and wanted to dye it back straight away.
Thanks for cooking spaghetti at least twice a week during high school. My friends still tell me how much they loved your pasta. Thanks for giving me cuddles even though I'm really not the cuddling type. Thanks for telling me stories about when you and dad were young and broke and in love. Thanks for calling me five times last week just to make sure I was ok.
Thanks for making the move from Melbourne to Brisbane a little less traumatic and for letting us keep Roxy, she was an amazing dog hey? I bet you miss her.
Thanks for encouraging me to dance and play music and write. Thanks for encouraging me to do drama classes, even though I wagged with a friend to make prank calls at the pay phone down the road. Thanks for giving me your smile, your love of life and your big heart. I love you for it.
I don't tell you enough but I really admire and respect you and hope I am half the person you are.
I love you.
{ Pumpkin Scones }
Basic Crepes
4 days ago
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